Please remember that many reports have been sent to me by others, and although I have taken every precaution in verifying them, I cannot absolutely guarantee accuracy at this time. Please be careful in any conclusions you make about these reports.


A "Ministry of Judgement"!!

My articles on the "Doctrines of Demons" seem to be coming to life before my eyes. I have exposed the desire of the revivalists to get rid of all their opponents. Even I did not think I would so soon have confirmation, in detail, of this plan and see it elevated into a "ministry".

Here is an posting from the Rivermail revival testimonials and articles mailing list which should chill your bones:

The Third Apostolic Reformation
I have had something exploding inside me on this subject for several days now since hearing Dr. Bill Hamon share Tuesday night (Oct, 19th,'99) at a conference called the International Gathering of Apostles and Prophets, about what he saw on the horizon.

Let me tell you what he said, and then what I see as some of the implications. .... He began by proposing that we are in the throws of not just "renewal"; not just "revival"; not just a "new awakening"; but a "third apostolic reformation".

The first was when Jesus appeared on the earth. Major foundational changes occurred at that time; changes in the religious structure, changes in how we relate to God, changes in the rise and fall of nations, changes in the social, economic and political climate, changes in virtually every area of significance. (This radical transition actually occurred in a span of approximately 40 to 50 years, or one generation) The apostolic and prophetic ministries were there to lay a new foundation, with Christ Jesus, of course, as the Cornerstone.

Then, approximately 1,500 years later, once again there came a foundational reformation, referred to by historians as the Protestant reformation, restoring truths of Scripture that were lost during the great "falling away", and in one generation, with Martin Luther, began a period of approximately 500 years of doctrinal restoration. This took us up to what most people now call the charismatic movement, which was sort of a "catch-up" movement, touching every denomination with present truth and calling out of every denomination, those who wanted more of God's fullness.

Dr. Hamon also stated that, with the birthing of the prophetic movement in 1988, he believes we began the third apostolic reformation - MUCH MORE than just another "movement", a "fresh revival" or even a "major awakening". We are seeing prophets and apostles coming forth for a strategic reason.

The question was posed, however, that if apostles and prophets are foundation layers, why are they coming back last, as if they were to add the finishing touches to an already existing restored church? The picture is of an existing building, being jacked up while foundational repairs are being done. While that is happening to an extent, could there be much more to this emergence of the foundational ministries at this time of church history than we are seeing right now?

The answer is YES! We are being positioned to lay new foundations for a new era all together, foundations for the dawning of a new kingdom age. WE ARE IN THE THROW’S [sic] OF THE BIRTHING OF A WHOLE NEW ORDER - A WHOLE NEW DISPENSATION! We are in the midst of what Bill Hamon believes is an approximate 40 to 50 year transition (one final generation) that will take us into the fullness of the Kingdom of God on the earth.

But there are foundational mindsets and activities WE must do in cooperation with the ushering in of His Kingdom. We are preparing to move into the age of Kingdom rule and dominion where Christ Himself, and we His saints, with Him, will rule and reign IN THE EARTH. The implications of this are staggering. It means a major paradigm shift. A change again in the religious structure, changes in how we relate to God, changes in the social and economic arenas, changes of nations and the political climate, changes in virtually every area of significance, just as radically as when He came the first time. A third apostolic reformation!

So God is raising up apostles and prophets who are speaking some new and radical things; are setting the stage; are laying new foundations for a new era. Not just patching up what is already existing, but preparing the church for a new dispensation! WOWW!! We are about to move from the dispensation of grace to the dispensation of dominion. We are about to see Jesus, not as the suffering lamb that was slain, but the roaring Lion who is King! The implications are awesome!

I believe God is about to bring insight, for instance, into the difference between the "sin" of judgment and the "ministry" of judgment. (A very tiny window into this was seen when Peter dealt with Ananias and Sapphira , or Paul with Elymas the magician ) We are also about to enter into, not an age of yielding and passive surrender to our enemies, such as "turn the other cheek", and "go the second mile"; but rather, into a position of authority, dominion and power. Ruling in Zion! Jesus was the yielding suffering servant once, but he sill not show up like that the next time! ...

Jim Wies
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Gold Dust Phenomenon Stirs Up Questions Among Charismatics

While gold dust keeps appearing in charismatic meetings in the United States and abroad, metal tests puzzle those who say the substance is falling from heaven. Report by Andy Butcher

A Brazilian evangelist at the center of the "gold dust" phenomenon being reported at charismatic churches across the United States and Europe says she is unfazed by scientific reports suggesting that all that glitters is not what it seems.

Two independent tests on samples of the gold-colored dust that falls from Silvania Machado's head during services have found the substance to be more like plastic glitter, with no gold content.

But Machado, who attributes the manifestation to her divine healing from cancer, is untroubled by the conclusions of the analyses carried out on behalf of "Charisma" magazine. "To me, it doesn't matter what it is as long as it's from God," she said. "Some people focus on the signs instead of the fruit. I must continue to share with the world what God has done in my life and the life of my family."

Speaking through an interpreter, Machado tells packed churches how after more than 10 years of sickness, during which she desperately sought a cure through a spiritualist, she was finally healed after being prayed for by Christians. Now when she prays for others, gold-colored flecks start to rain from her head. The curious occurrence is happening elsewhere.

Revivalist Ruth Heflin--who first brought Machado to the United States after hearing about her ministry--regularly sees the same manifestation at her meetings. She believes the dust is a sign of God's glory. "The Lord loves for us to show off the gold dust because of His relationship with us," said Heflin, whose ministry is based in Ashland, Va. "We couldn't do this ourselves. He is doing it because His coming is so near."

In May, John Arnott of the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (TACF) canceled a scheduled four-day appearance by Machado after sending a sample of the flecks that cascaded from her head on the first night for testing. A geochemist at the University of Toronto concluded the specks did not contain any gold or platinum but were some type of plastic film.

Machado and her team were "sweet as could be" when Arnott presented the findings, he told "Charisma." "I just threw up my hands and said, 'I don't know,'" Arnott said. "It is not up to me to judge them, but I couldn't reconcile the two, so I just said, 'We're not going to proceed with the meetings.'"

"Charisma" had two samples of Machado's gold dust analyzed by the U.S. Geological Survey in Washington, D.C. Both were deemed to be plastic film with no traces of gold, platinum or silver.

These days Machado avoids carrying a handbag to or stepping down from the platform at her meetings to avoid accusations that she is faking the phenomenon, reported "The Richmond Times-Despatch" recently.

One of those attending a meeting at Heflin's Calvary Pentecostal Tabernacle told the newspaper that chemical components of the dust were meaningless to her faith. "The gold doesn't have to do with how man measures metal," said Debbie Kendrick. "It might not be anything we've ever seen before. It's more like manna from heaven."

Meanwhile, churches also are reporting incidents in which people's silver fillings are being miraculously renewed or even replaced by gold ones. A number of cases have been documented and verified at TACF, reinforcing Arnott's decision not to continue the Machado meetings. "I didn't want to have her here because we have had far too much of the real thing--gold teeth and gold dust--to have something suspect," he said.

But Heflin stands by Machado. It was God's presence, not the gold dust, that first convinced her Machado was genuine, she said. "I began to weep because of the wonderful sense of His presence," Heflin said of Machado's meetings. "Perhaps we should call it 'glory dust' instead of 'gold dust.'"

A full report on the gold dust and gold teeth phenomena will appear in the November 1999 issue of "Charisma." The article contains an account--documented by dental records--of an Oklahoma woman who received seven gold crowns during a healing service in Tulsa six months ago. Received from: The Contenders -


I have been reminded that Marc Dupont at the beginning of the Toronto outbreak ministered the Seal of God to believers, moving amongst them and marking them "with the cross". I have the audio tape of this meeting, but had forgotten all about it until yesterday. The statement by Dupont also appears on page 148 of Bill Randle's book "Weighed And Found Wanting" and in part says: "I believe the Lord is going to put a mark on some of you.... angels are going to come and the Holy Spirit is going to put a cross on some of you..."


Yet another piece of the jigsaw puzzle that is the Revival falls into place! Many of you know that the leadership have been watching for a "new sound" that carries an anointing "like the Beatle's music" that would have the power within itself to alter people's minds and bring about the new paradigm without the need to preach the gospel.

Two recent events have been brought to my attention:

1. At a major revival meeting held by Faith Tabernacles (Bill and Marsha Burns) a man called Jason Burns - presumably their son?? - was announced as the musician who now produces this specially anointed music.

2. A book is circulating that purports to have found biblical codes relating to sounds and music that can heal medical conditions and alter DNA. It is being touted as the codes for sounds that will heal the world. Already there is interest from the Christian community. Although the book is couched in biblical language and the author is supposedly a Christian minister, the concept is completely new-age. Nonetheless, I see this idea being picked up by the revival leadership as another answer to their prayers! Watch out for this!


Although I have not yet had time to put all my findings into article form on the web site, I am being led to discover some pretty strange and worrying things. I believe the Lord is warning us to beware of a major new level of deception in the churches.

The gist of the new material is the MEANING of the gold miracles: that the "glory" of God is descending as the indwelling shekinah of the New Temple (The Church). This has many implications, not least of which is the belief in a Corporate Christ as the rulers of the New Order.

Many of you may already know that a man called Franklin Hall virtually single-handed launched the 1940's Latter Rain heresies. He was revered and his books were treated like handbooks to revival by the early Pentecostals However, Hall's books were bizarre and almost occultic. One of the things he promoted was fasting for months at a time in order to release spiritual manifestations.

You will not perhaps be surprised to know that Hall predicted that a "spiritual substance" would be seen upon worshippers, a fine gold or silver, as they entered into their transformation into immortal sons of god.

Al Dager writes:

That there is a definite occult influence on Hall's career is evident in other writings. His book, 'The Return of Immortality', suggests that Christians can learn how to become immortal through stages of spiritual growth. This involves experiences with "UFO's, and the UIO gravitational and levitation control."

His teachings on attaining immortality in this life through psycho-spiritual exercises and righteous living were the foundation upon which many in the Latter Rain and subsequent movements based their immortalization theories. Hall's main point in his immortalization theory is that "the sleeping, so called, unfoundationally built church" must awaken to "a real cause and calling, that when God's word is completely acted upon and complied with, will result in bringing about the real gushers and torrents of the long, past due, RAIN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, a rain of IMMORTALITY UPON THE EARTH that so many prophets have written about and portrayed in their prophesies". (emphasis Hall's).

Hall's premise is not, however, predicated upon God's promise of immortality for the faithful after their resurrection.

This is evidenced by his following words: "Permanent, lasting freedoms from all sickness, harmful accident things and defeat will come about. Freedom from the imprisonment of all gravitational forces will also be brought upon the whole man. This study teaches one the power and secrets of space flight. Space floatation [sic] and hovering ability. It gives the Bible formula for weightlessness, the 'raising up' power of those who come to immortality." (Jn.6 chapter and Rom.2:7)."(11)

In his book, Hall gives "evidence" of his already having attained a degree of "immortality" (which allegedly affects everything that comes in contact with the immortal person's body): "Brother Hall's light colored jacket is seven years old and has never been pressed or cleaned or aerated in 7 years, since new, yet it has been worn repeatedly in many overseas countries and regularly in all crusades everywhere (excepting one). It has been on more than 200 airlines in travels. It has no spots, stains, discoloration or body odors anywhere on it or inside it - similar to the children of Israel's clothes under the Glory, Immortality Cloud of Fire Power."

The attainment of "Immortality blessings" are alleged by Hall to be more successfully attained through open-eye prayer. "Coming with closed eyes," he stated, "destroys faith."

Hall claims that there is an "Immortal Substance" that comes upon the believer who feeds upon it "from within Christ's now body" - the "FIRE - IMMORTAL - PACKED - BODY" (Emphasis Hall's).

This "Immortal Substance" is claimed to be seen on those who attend Hall's meetings, as a fine gold and silver, sparkling material that emanates from sometimes visible "Immortal Heavenly Objects" (IHO's), "Unusual Heavenly Objects" (UHO's), and "Unidentified Flying Objects" (UFO's).

In Hall's words, "The sparkling shining FINE GOLD and SILVER are seen upon their SKIN, brought about through the faith-power of impartation. The polished brass, the beryl stone appearances are even now manifested today."

He challenges the reader to see and behold these phenomena by attending "the International Holy Ghost and Fire Seminars of Brother and Sister Franklin Hall."

This sparkling material Hall calls, "The shiny metal like, Jesus' substance." While Hall has many excellent things to say about fasting from the standpoint of good health, when it comes to spiritual matters he often transcends sensibility and delves into areas of the occult.

[end of Al Dager's quote] Read his article in full HERE