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Doctrines of Demons: The Coming of the Glory

This eleven-part series by Tricia Tillin is an urgent appeal to reject current teachings on the overshadowing and anointing of the supposed Glory of God in the endtimes. It looks at teachings from the old Latter Rain movement and shows how those teachings and many others have led to a belief that there will be a sealing or anointing for those who have prepared themselves for transformation.

The topics of the ten major sections, together with the appendix, and PDF version for download, are found on the CONTENTS page. Alternatively, each section is briefly linked below:

Part One - The Sealing & Overshadowing
Part Two - The Sealing & Overshadowing (2)
Part TwoA - Resisting the Overshadowing
Part Three - The Descent of the Glory
Part Four - Transformation
Part Five - The Sword of Judgement
Part Six - New Church, New Apostles
Part Seven - The Sound of Seduction
Part Eight - The Global Network
Part Nine - The Lighthouses Movement
Part Ten - Appendix A
Part Eleven - Appendix B

Part Six: New Church, New Apostles


  • The Apostles & Prophets of the New Order
  • The Global Church
    • Training The Leadership
    • New Jerusalem
    • New foundations
    • New Priesthood of Melchisadek
  • Comparisons
    • The New Age
    • Lucifer
  • (copyright information)

The Apostles and Prophets

As the previous section of this series showed, the Old-Order churches must be dismantled and all those who oppose the new revelations and doctrines must be purged out.

Who then is to undertake this important work of judging and purging the old-order? It is the headship believers, the Apostles and Prophets who - we are told - are the "foundation" of this New Temple.

    "I am a vengeful God...cry out to God that he bring the apostles and he bring the prophets to break the bands of religion and tradition and culture, to usher in the mightiest wave of God to ever come to this nation." [Prophetic Ministries international (PMI) (This place also offers "training schools" for apostles.) This prophetic Word for Canada given to Prophet Kevin Van Der Westhuizen, Oct 97]

One of the subjects taking most space on the revival sites right now is the new apostles and prophets who will, they tell us, be the headship, covering and leadership of the New Jerusalem - that is, the new Church that is "taking the nations, and establishing the kingdom worldwide".

To see how this links right back to the GLORY CLOUD, take a look at this next quote, which likens the apostles to the covering cloud over the people by day, and the prophets to the flames of fire by night.

Both of these are supposed to give a COVERING over the whole camp. Remember that I spoke of this covering in previous articles in this series, saying that it represents, biblically, the atonement of God and therefore is not of MAN, but entirely of GOD.

Our Head is Jesus, He is our Shepherd. We do not have MEN to instruct, rule and govern us, but GOD HIMSELF. But these men are setting up a new Priesthood with powers FAR wider than any exercised by the Roman Catholic cardinals and bishops during the reign of the Roman church! For these men believe themselves not only to be GOD INCARNATE but that they have all the wisdom, understanding, power and authority of God!

    "A new holy canopy is being released in the church as the apostolic anointing and authority will begin to be revealed with maturity. .... The new canopy will be according to Isaiah 4:4-6 ... 'The LORD will create over the whole area of Mount Zion and over her assemblies a CLOUD by day, even smoke, and the brightness of a flaming FIRE by night; for over all the GLORY will be a canopy. And there will be a shelter to {give} shade from the heat by day, and refuge and protection from the storm and the rain'. The apostolic anointing will function as cloud by day and the prophet will serve as flaming fire by night. Each of these will provide a canopy of glory over the believers who have been washed and purged by the "spirit of judgement" and the "spirit of burning". ...The apostolic leadership emerging will provide a pillar of cloud over the body illuminating the hidden manna for this day. The prophets will be as a flame of fire at night displaying awesome power and miracles. ...Moses is best known in his role as Prophet, Aaron as Priest and Samuel as Judge. These three represent the Priest/Prophet/Judge anointings that will be entrusted to this emerging leadership. To each of these three, God proved Himself in Mercy and in Judgement. The coming apostolic ministers will be as pillar of cloud by day and the anointed prophet will be as a pillar of fire by night. Each will provide a canopy of protection through the Holy Spirit even as Israel was protected during the judgements of Egypt." [Bob Jones "Shepherd's Rod for 1999]

This kind of doctrine identifies the new apostles and prophets as the equivalent of the Glory Cloud that led the Israelites out of Egypt (which was the Holy Spirit - God Himself!). They are not ashamed to take the place of God as Head of the Church. (Since the word Anti-Christ means "in the place of Christ" does this not identify them as having an antichist doctrine and an antichrist spirit??)

These apostles and prophets have several tasks to perform, apart from giving protection, guidance and leadership to the new Church. Comparing the task today with that of the Early Church Apostles, Jim Buchan outlines in his article "The Nature of the Apostolic Ministry" the role of the new apostle:

  • Outreach - setting up churches in unreached areas
  • Foundation Laying - establishing basic church doctrine according to the new revelation instead of "tradition" and "human opinion".
  • Training Leaders - personally training prophets and other men under them, as Paul trained Timothy.
  • Problem Solving - pronouncing judgement in doctrinal and personal disputes.
  • Unity - bringing all into One Church
  • Supernatural - signs and wonders instead of words and human wisdom

It is obvious that they plan a prime role for themselves in governing the rest of us.

While God-ordained leadership of local churches exists in the form of elders - those with a gift from God as Pastor, Teacher, and the like) these leaders see their authority as extending across the ENTIRE GLOBAL CHURCH, and their word is AS GOD.

The Global Church

This will be a pyramid structure, with a worldwide network of apostles governing nations and regions within those nations, and under them a whole edifice composed of submitted pastors, prophets and other elders all of whom give allegiance to those above them.

No longer will churches be independent, self-governing, autonomous. All that will end under this new scheme. Pastors are called to submit to their local Apostle, and each city or area will be required to come into unity with all other city churches and to sign covenants pledging not to discriminate, nor to poach eachother's members, nor to criticise another's doctrine.

This scheme has been in operation on a small scale for many years in the Restoration churches (especially in the UK) but now it is planned to extend it globally.

Here is a report of a meeting held by Rock Church of Baltimore which is a major part of the current revival:

    "A Word From Pastor: We have just closed one of the most powerful months in God that I believe I have experienced! First, we gathered over 80 pastors from Baltimore city and county for a retreat called Peace For The City. This was the largest INTER-DENOMINATIONAL gathering of pastors that this area has seen. Our guest speaker was Dr. David Schoch, a true father in the faith. He provided the insight, impartation and guidance of a patriarch. The Peace gathering was marked with reconciliation; both denominational and racial. Then, in a sovereign move of the spirit, a covenant was written and signed by the pastors. This covenant knitted the congregations, ministries and PULPITS of their churches together into ONE CHURCH in Baltimore. On May 2, 1999, these pastors will trade pulpits and preach in each other's churches! Already, this covenant has been adopted by churches in other cities and has even been taken to Argentina!" [Pastor Bart Pierce, Rock City Church of Baltimore March 99]

In the next article, I will talk about the "Lighthouse" scheme that is being used to knit all the world's churches into one enormous (databased!) network!

First, some lengthier quotes that show the trend towards UNITY, city-churches, submission to covering Apostles, and the end of independence for individuals. These come from a UK writer, Phil Townend, in West Yorkshire, who is part of the ICTHUS Restoration set-up.

    "At this very moment in history God is beginning to cover the world with a network of interlocking relationships between groups of believers in every place. ...In the process, God is releasing the Body of Christ world-wide from many of its traditional and 'neo-traditional' constraints in order to make room for new developments and allow for the level of joining that is required...The relationship between believers in different countries... is of particular significance as this net forms, since any barrier obstructs God’s purposes. We need each other and the gifts that we bring to each other to be complete.

    "An essential element in the process of change now taking place is a fresh release of apostolic ministry...flexible, mobile apostolic teams that will move from place to place, bringing that which is lacking into local situations everywhere...The relationship between the local and mobile will be one of mutual submission...The teams will operate out of local bases...

    "Nowhere is the change that is taking place more evident or needed than at a local level. The biblical concept of a 'city' is helpful, if understood to include a town, borough or other administrative area... The principle to bear in mind is to pursue as far as we can unity at EVERY level... Bearing this in mind, we can define local church, in its simplest, biblical terms, as the sum of believers in a given area. This definition does not preclude variety within and between local expressions of church, but it does insist that these will be facets of one local entity and that this unity be explicit in terms of identity and vision.

    "What will emerge is one interlinked network of believers in a given area... Relational unity among recognised leaders is a clear prerequisite for what is coming... United leadership is needed to bring cohesion within the wider local Body.

    "God is restoring the so-called ‘five-fold ministries’ in these days – including the apostolic - in order to complete His mission...In particular we need to see true spiritual ‘fathers’ or elders take their place amongst us, in our churches and communities. By this I mean those appointed and anointed of God (not man) to provide a spiritual canopy over the territory for the sake of the people who live there – believers and non-believers alike ... It is a divinely ordained group of men (and women) sharing responsibility and authority in the Holy Spirit for specific regions.

    "It is perhaps important to stress again here the God-ordained interdependent nature of the whole church, local and translocal...there is in reality only one church of Jesus Christ. So even local churches as we are defining them here are no more self-sufficient than an individual person, cell or congregation, and therefore need to be joined to the wider body to be complete and have real success.

    "It is important that each local congregation ask itself a fundamental question about how it views its life and ministry. Does it operate out of an independent mindset, expressing a unilateral vision, with only a secondary or optional regard to what else is going on locally? Or does it seek out fellow local believers,desiring a corporate vision for an area together, looking to find its place in the wider context? The latter situation must become normative for everyone to prosper.

    "...we know our mission mandate is fulfilled when we see Jesus return in glory. ...However, He will only come back to a spotless Bride in a fully evangelised world. The net represents both the Bride of Christ in its global completeness, as the body is joined together, and the Church’s mission fulfilled, as it spreads over the face of the whole earth.

    "Rebellious, divisive and critical attitudes and behaviour on our part with regard to God’s people and any existing church structures are never justified, and will seriously hamper, if not severely undermine, what God is doing at the present time." ["THE NET" Phil Townsend - see source information here]

The above article is self-explanatory. It lays out the strategy for setting in place a global network of submitted pastors and churches under regional and national, and ultimately, international, Apostles. This is such a radical move away from what we know today that it bears expanding upon. Pastors and elders perhaps do not yet realise the implications - that they will be REQUIRED to submit themselves to this structure whether they agree to its doctrine or not!

Are you on a Roll?

Here I want to insert a more personal note. Many years ago (perhaps around 15 years ago if I recall correctly) the Lord spoke to my husband and me, saying "do not have yourselves enrolled on any official register or church Roll from now on". During that time we were attending conventional churches, but we heeded that word and when approached would not allow our names to be databased on the rolls.

We began to see how important an issue this was when, despite all our involvement with one particular church - leading the music group, helping with the newsletter, taking Bible studies etc - we were called to the Vicar's office one day and told in no uncertain terms that either we enrolled officially or we would be put out of the church. We stuck to our guns, and were therefore told to leave! This came shortly after a visit by the Bishop to this parish - you may deduce from that what you wish.

That church is now part of the "Restoration" movement, like so many others in our country. Networking has been continuing and increasing for years, so that I believe most church-going Christians are now logged and filed away somewhere, their names and preferences known. (I had confirmation of this when one woman "pastor", a very spiteful enemy of this ministry, tried to make trouble for me with my local churches and told their pastors that Evangelical Alliance "have a file on her". I AM SURE THEY DO!!)

One close friend, the husband of an elderly couple who are, like us, now outside the establishment opened the door to a man who said he was visiting every home in the area. He had an official card of the "Churches Together" organisation - an ecumenical organisation that unites all churches in an area.

The official began questioning my friends about their church affiliations and their interest in Churches Together. When they replied that they did not attend a local church and furthermore, as ex-Catholics, they could not be involved in anything that listed Roman Catholic churches alongside others in any Christian networking scheme, the man noted all this down and said he was taking notes for a record of people's views and preferences.

As innocent as this may sound, it all adds up to one conclusion: that records are being made that would instantly identify "dissenters" to the united world church!

With the prospect before us of a United Nations initiative to bring the heads of all religions together in a bid for unity next year, plus the intensive logging of churches and christians going on inside the new Churches, we have cause to worry that we are marked out as opponents before we even open our mouths.

I am going to add some quotes from a document just received: "Finding Your Place in the Apostolic Vision" Feb, 1999:

    "Dr. Peter Wagner is such an Apostolic figure. He heads up the World Prayer Center in Colorado Springs... the Apostles are being raised up. God has raised up these men to be very visible. We know a lot about a few Apostles in the New Testament. We will know a lot about a few Apostles in the New Jerusalem. We can get offended, or we can get on board.

    "The war between the Pastor and the Prophet will cease with the full emergence of the Apostle. The "Popes of Prophecy" (Pastors or other non-prophetic offices thinking that they are equipped and commissioned to judge prophecy and screen out the influence of the prophetic) are being disciplined as we speak. This is why in scripture it is the prophets themselves who are called to judge prophecy, not the Pastor, teacher, evangelist or even the Apostle. ... Pastors that don't prophecy regularly will not have these insights. God is calling each advancing church to form a council of the proven prophets, at each service, for the healthy judging of prophecy...

    "Invigorated by prophetic insight, the Apostle will take the word of the Lord and implement new and inventive strategies to promote God's kingdom, 'on earth as it is in heaven'. We live in exciting times. Out of nowhere these two witnesses have emerged and are changing the face of Christianity as we know it. ... The Apostle will mobilize divers tribes into a unified spiritual nation. We are not talking ecumenicalism, we are talking about a fighting machine. A prophetic army. ...

    "These fore-running spiritual pioneers are being challenged by God to come into alignment with Apostolic vision. Their gifts will never be fully matured until they are teamed with wise master builders. I know that the church is in a state of transition, and all of this seems quite gray. We may not have mature Apostles in our area. God has to have a hand in the teaming process, but man also has a part. Are we going to be willing to submit our ministry to a specific Apostolic visionary? This is a critical question that will determine our influence on hastening the coming of the Lord, in our effective contribution to the restoring of all things spoken by the prophets.

    "Prophets are critical to the equation, but are not the final position of authority. All I ask is that you remain open to hear from God regarding how you fit into the emerging Divine order. You must be willing to take steps to team yourself with men of this caliber. We all must be willing to assume our place as watchmen on the wall, ever mindful to inform the elders behind the wall regarding what we see. Trusting that these tested Elders will make the wise decisions and formulate effective strategy. That's why they are Elders. That's why a few bear upon themselves the grace of the Apostolic commission."

While the quoted article is a call to control the loose canons in the prophetic community, it also shows the emerging structure of the superchurch, where pastors are not able to judge prophecy being given in their churches, where the "anointed" apostles and prophets sit in places of authority in every church, requiring pastors to submit to their "wise counsel", and churches are submitted to apostolic teams who are using prophecy to "implement new and inventive strategies to promote Gods' kingdom, 'on earth as it is in heaven'."

As the text above asks "are we going to be willing to submit our ministry to a specific Apostolic visionary?" Many maybe are NOT willing, but nonetheless history has shown that where popularity, financial support, numbers and success is concerned, many pastors are inclined to go with the 'line of least resistance'.

Another personal comment here. I have thought that the time would come when our allegiance would be tested to the ultimate. I mean by that, people have been staying in their churches despite the level of apostasy there for many (perhaps valid) reasons - to reach out to others, to try and convince the pastor, to pray that things get back to normal, etc. I have always considered that a dangerous strategy because not only does a LITTLE leaven leaven the lump in our hearts as well as in our churches, but what happens if the Pastor submits himself and his flock to the local Apostle and thereby brings them under the covering and spiritual shepherding of an APOSTATE system?

Now the evidence is growing that the system is being set up for real. When it is in place, churches and pastors will be gathered in as One United Church. At that time, I believe, the last line is drawn in the sand, for no Christian who truly loves God and God's word can stay in a local church that has subscribed to the antichrist one-world church! (But how many will STILL turn a blind eye to it all, and hope for the best?)

With many dissenting from this system and refusing to be aligned with the Global Church, there will suddenly be Christians drifting about in a confused and bewildered state looking for fellowship. At that time our small house groups will come into their own, and the teachers and pastors who are REALLY called of God will spring into action.

But until then, we are faced with increasing pressure to conform, and to give the Apostles and Prophets, and other leaders of the "New Jerusalem" our unthinking allegiance! I pray that God will alert all those who are His own to these plans.

Please see this document on an Apostolic site, and the others similar to it on the same site, for a thorough explanation of the role, meaning, activities and functions of the modern "apostles" -

Training the Troops

God is the one who calls a man, equips him, trains him, ordains him and uses him in ministry. There is a place for education and mental preparation of course - I'm not denying that - but the idea that MAN can train up and prepare another to be an APOSTLE is ludicrous!

What training did Peter and John have? Who called Paul? Which seminary did he attend? No, while accepting that we should avail ourselves of the very best in Christian education and equipment, we should never lose sight of the fact that GOD is our Employer and the Holy Spirit our Teacher - in Christian ministry above all.

However, ever since the concept of Church leadership by Apostles and Prophets began, training schools have been there to teach them what to do. I know little about such places except that they exist, and I'm willing to hazard a guess that there are more of them than anybody knows, all around the world, busily training men and women how to lead the Global Church when it arrives.

Training is undertaken in informal "schools" based on websites which provide training manuals and information; through international conferences where the leaders congregate to share eachother's expertise and insights, and through "mentoring" of one man under another's wing. I'm sure it must also exist in the more formal sense, courses laid on in training establishments on "how to be an Apostle".

"Kingdom Restoration Centre" -"Five-Fold Ministry" says: "As the church of Jesus Christ continues the upward climb from the abyss of the dark ages to its place of pre-determined glory, if ruling among the nations, we are experiencing a tremendous unfolding of scriptures as the Holy Spirit releases revelation after revelation. One such important scripture is Eph 4:11-13 (five-fold ministry)...God is raising up prophets as well as send-time apostles to bring his people into the fulness of their inheritance in Christ. Many apostles and prophets have been called to begin networks and schools for the purpose of raising up many great prophetic and apostolic ministers. The primary goal of these networks and schools is to lead those who are called to the five-fold ministry into the fulness of their calling in Christ, so that they in turn may lead all those that God has called them to minister to into the fulness of their inheritance in Christ - thus producing a mighty people who can establish the kingdom of God in the earth."

A little evidence of this I have found (and you could probably find much more for yourself):

    Foundations of the Apostles & Prophets: School of Ministry and Local Assemblies

    All Nations Ministries - "seminars on offer including "Restoration of the Apostle". This two-hour seminar reveals the apostle though the type of the godly king ... Also, a five-hour seminar [that] covers most of the material in the book, 'The Last Apostles on Earth. Insights for Emerging Prophetic & Apostolic Ministry'."

    School of the Lion, Ministry Training School - "register online to one of the most dynamic training tools for ministers available on the web or anywhere else. Ministry Training School will one day be a replacement for Sunday school, or church school as we know it. Our people need specific ministry training to effectively evangelize this end time harvest. The Spirit of God has truly revealed some life changing trues to Apostle Lonnie W. Brown that will help you stay focused and propel you towards your destiny. Materials: Your packet includes a (25) cassette tape series along with a manual, full of notes, outlines, and lesson plans. ... This is specialized ministry training for ministers, elders, and all church leaders".

    Apostolic Resources -  "Apostolic Reformation & Third Day Prophetic Kingdom Resources"

    Minister's Training School - "Ministers' Training School is designed for people who know they are called as an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher, whether presently serving in that capacity or in the preparation phase of that calling. ... The teaching covers areas such as: The Anointing through impartation, clarity and direction to your calling, undergirding and mentorship, valuable practical information and guidelines concerning ministry, and the opportunity to use and perform some duties of your office. Our ministry is working in conjunction with Eagle Mountain International Church for this particular school."

    Domata Training Schools - "Domata is the Greek word for "gifts" mentioned in Ephesians 4:8, and refers to the offices of: apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher. God's plan for Domata Ministers' Training Schools is to help prepare men and women with a call to these offices for success in full-time ministry. .... Information available for Czech Republic; Estonia; France; Greece; Italy; India; Netherlands; Philippines; Poland; Romania; Spain; Taiwan; Thailand."

Military-Style Training for Joel's Army

There's also the use of military terms which suggests a structure to the Army that is supposed to war against the forces of evil in the latter-day. At Brownsville some are referred to by military rank. Worship leader Lindell Coolley was called "Brownsville Battalion Commander in God's Army".

    "Welcome to God's end-Time Army" - funded by the Government, so they say!

    "Warriors of the New Millennium": saw in vision a "kick-butt" army who "will not tolerate the illegal rape of Zion."

    "Knights of the Round Table" - Apostolic Generals fighting the Lamb's war at Jill Austin's page: "beachheads or revival centres will strategically be targeted in various cities throughout the earth"... "secret agents for the king will infiltrate world governments and societies on every level."

A New Foundation for the New Temple

One of the most offensive parts of the doctrine is the way Jesus is elbowed out of the way and his mission and work made almost obsolete compared to the glories of the Church to come. (For the glory of that latter house shall be greater than the former, they say!)

The scriptures say that Jesus is the Foundation of his Church and there can be no other. "For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." (1 Cor 3:11)

Indeed, he is more than just the foundation, for that implies a building stone erected by man. The Lord is the ROCK, the bedrock on which the building is laid.

    1 Cor 10:4 ... for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.

    Deut 32:4 He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.

Remember the parable of the house built upon the rock, and the house built upon the sand? (Matt 7:22-27) Obviously we are to build upon the Rock of Jesus Christ in order to know any stability at all in this world, and in order to survive the storm to come. He is not just any old foundation stone, but the CORNERSTONE from which the entire building derives its angle and aspect. (Isa 28:16 /Eph 2:19-22 /1 Pet 2:6-7)

When the bible says that Jesus Christ is the only foundation of the Temple, yet in another place says "And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone". (Eph 2:20) there appears to be a contradiction, which cannot be so since the word of God never errs.

Understood correctly, there is no contradiction here. The Apostles and Prophets called by God in the Early Church built upwards and outwards from the beginning of the Church, starting at the Chief Cornerstone. Having personally met with Jesus and having received His doctrine, they merely amplified upon Jesus Christ and the doctrine of salvation to expand His work and ministry. They merely mirrored what had already been delivered to the Church and intensified its light!

The true spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus, a witness to His saving grace! (Rev 19:10) The true ministry of an apostle, a sent-one, is to preach that gospel in the power and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, bringing all into conformity to the doctrines that Jesus came to deliver.

There is only one doctrine, one foundational creed, one word of God, one ministry, one Lord and - in truth - only one Church, because the true Church consists of everyone who in known to God and born again of the Spirit.

The foundation having been laid, it cannot be laid all over again - and that is precisely why the new doctrine can only be a "doctrine of demons", for it is not in accordance or agreement with the doctrine of Christ, once delivered to the saints. We are told that if anyone comes to us, not bearing this doctrine of Christ, we are not even to bid them God speed, much less accept them as ministers of the Church!

    Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds. 2Jn 1:9-11

Despite all this, there is a consistent emphasis on the modern-day Apostles being the "foundation" of the "New Jerusalem" which is being built in the earth. The modern-day prophets are receiving revelations that they pass to the apostles, who teach them as foundational creeds and doctrines of the Church! Yet these doctrines frequently contradict the scriptures!

Bob Jones is one who eulogises about the role of the present-day apostles and prophets:

    "A new holy canopy is being released in the church as the apostolic anointing and authority will begin to be revealed with maturity. These will be the good shepherds upon whom the favor of the Lord will be apparent. It will be the mature restoration of the judges and counselors as at the beginning. ... The coming judges will be apostolic and the counselors will be the prophets. The foundation of the church consists of the apostles and prophets revealing the chief cornerstone, the Lord Jesus. The prophets will emerge first revealing the mind of Christ through Godly counsel during these final days of preparation and release for the apostolic authority. These will appear, anointed with Holy Spirit power displaying the Lord's victory over demons, disease and death". [Bob Jones - Shepherd's Rod for 99]

Here, in a subtle change from biblical truth, the apostles and prophets are "revealing" Jesus rather than building upon Him. Nor do they use biblical doctrine for this. We know from other quotes that the revelation of Jesus to the world church and to the nations is the unveiling of the christ-child incarnated into his people!

Another apostolic ministry is even plainer:

    "For I have NOT called you to Sinai, I have called you to Zion to BE Zion, My holy mountain. That which is of the soul, mind will and emotions, seeks to establish the striving of the law, Mount Sinai within you... But I say 'speak to that mountain!', shout unto it 'Grace!, Grace!' For by grace shall that mountain become a plain, and the Capstone of Christ shall be set in its place. I WILL have a temple that is COMPLETE and perfected and it shall be by My grace.... not by your power or striving, but by My Spirit. I am laying the foundation of My temple, Apostles and Prophets IN Christ the Cornerstone, and I am bringing living stones, hewn and tested, together being built into My holy temple and crowned with the 'Capstone' of Christ, and from THIS temple shall I rule the nations. I am raising up the Spirit of Zerubbabel in a people who are laying the foundations and shall also finish that which I have purposed... THAT being a COMPLETED and PERFECTED 'temple' fit for Me to inhabit in My FULLNESS! To everything there is a time... THIS is the appointed time to SPEAK to the mountain, for I am building and completing My 'temple' that I may fill that 'temple' with the fullness of My glory. The SUBSTANCE of the Cornerstone and foundation is the same as the Capstone, as is the very WORK of the building of this 'temple'.... and that is CHRIST IN YOU, the hope of My indwelt tabernacled manifest presence IN My 'temple', ruling the nations as an eternal Kingdom... THIS is the hope to which you were called... THIS is why you must speak to the mountain, calling forth in prophetic proclamation My eternal purpose! ["TRUMPET CALL "Speak to the Mountain."]

Here we see a wholly new and different "temple" being built, REPLACING the present Church. Once again a foundation is being laid, and this future Temple contains "My indwelt tabernacled manifest presence". Instead of a literal Holy City, after the return of Jesus Christ to earth, we see a present-day man-made organisation taking over the government of earth, calling itself "New Jerusalem".

The New Jerusalem

The Bible speaks of the New Jerusalem as the City of God descending out of heaven at the very end of history when Jesus has returned, judged wickedness, raised his servants from the dead and is preparing to establish his reign over the earth. (Rev 21) This takes place in the context of the new heavens and earth, when God is "tabernacled" with man and He is dwelling with them.

Nowhere does the scripture describe the New Jerusalem being 'brought forth' by the activities of the present-day Church, NOR does it describe it as being the present-day Church, yet this is what revivalists are now teaching.

Not only that, but the OLD church is not good enough to be this "New Jerusalem" because it is traditional and clings to doctrines! When the revival leaders met earlier this year, one of the topics they discussed was the movement away from the Old Order and the transition to the New Jerusalem:

    "The River is changing course, and so is the prophetic emphasis. If we are not willing to flow with the River we will be left stranded on dry ground. We must not hold on to stale ways of doing things, stale ways of relating to one another. The renewed Apostolic age will change all this. No longer will we seek form over substance. We are moving from a church emphasis to a kingdom emphasis and will taste of the New Jerusalem in this life." [Themes from the School of the Prophets Conference (Jan. 1999) held in Colorado Springs.]

Bar Jona, on his web site, has much to say about the New Jerusalem. Not only that, but he roundly condemns the present-day Church as having been rejected by God:

    "Present Church Operations – What we see here is a timid Christian church, one that has the promise, but not the covenant. We see a New Covenant church, not operating according to the New Covenant, but according to the Old. We see a church that has not yet taken on the name of Jesus’ bride, New Jerusalem. This church haggles over doctrine, thinking that possessing their particular doctrine safeguards against God’s affliction and judgment. We see a church of murmuring and manipulation of anointed leadership. We see a church whose internal judges are no longer raised up by God. This church’s apostles are from a country of unclean speaking spirits..."

    "Ezekiel 16:16 is where God identified His wife, the old church, Jerusalem, as an unfaithful idolistic harlot. Jerusalem, the old wife, was never perfected. That is why God labels as the New Jerusalem the bride now being prepared for His Son."

    "... In the time of David, two tabernacles were in operation simultaneously. The original Tabernacle of Moses continued, even after it had lost the Ark and the Presence of God, which moved into David’s new Tabernacle. God forsook Moses' Tabernacle because of the idolatry of the priests. He moved into David’s Tabernacle and was worshipped directly without any intervening curtain. The key differences between old and new Tabernacles were the methods of worship and of communicating with God." [Impartations 97, from Bar Jona]

So this is not just a completion of the existing Church (temple) but a "new thing" as they say - a NEW Temple. The "old wife" is cast off as imperfect and corrupt, and a New Jerusalem has to be built with a new foundational doctrine. Notice that the difference between them lies in worship (in the Spirit) and communication (in the Spirit) two areas most notorious in the revival!

That being the case, and the "old priesthood" of legalism (typified by Moses) having been rejected by God, supposedly, a new priesthood also has to be found. This is called the Order of Melchisadec.

The New Priesthood - Melchisadec

I am going to launch straight into a lengthy explanation of the Melchisadec Priesthood from the "New Jerusalem" site, and let you reach your own conclusions:

    "Some presume that this Melchizedek is Jesus Christ as it is written of him, "king of righteousness" and "king of peace" (Heb. 7:2). .... But of Melchizedek, it is mentioned in Gen.14:18, that he was the priest of God Most High". Therefore Melchizedek is only the priest of God. .... Similarly we need an apostle or a High Priest after the order of Melchizedek who is authorized according to the verse: "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven (the authority to tend the sheep and the lambs), and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven" (Matt.16: 18,19). ...Like the Lord raised Moses as savior from among the Israelites to redeem them from the bondage of Egyptians and lead them on to the land of Canaan by receiving the Levitical priesthood, in these days too, God has made an arrangement by raising a savior from among the saved people of God and giving him a priesthood of perfection after the order of Melchizedek so that the people of God attain the adoption which is the redemption of their body.
    ... Another distinction of Melchizedek was his immortal and eternal priesthood. ... In the same way, the priest (apostle) who appears in these last days too should not see death (John 11:26). One can see this secret in the revelation given to Ap.John and is mentioned by way of an account on the birth of a male child. "And she bore a male child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her child was caught up to God and to His throne" (Rev.12:1-5)....Therefore we see that God is going to transfigure the man chosen by Himself, take him up to the heaven, give him the authority to rule with a rod of iron and send him back to the world to lead His children towards perfection after the order of Melchizedek.
    ...The Lord God is going to make His church perfect through a High Priest within the order of Melchizedek. From different tribes and speaking different languages they shall grow with one accord into perfection. ...Therefore brothers and sisters who read this! If you want to be a member of the assembly of the perfected saints who are to be taken up in the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ, and thus to rule with Him for a thousand years and be the priests forever in the presence of Lord God in heaven (Rev. 5: 9,10), pray to the Lord. Pray to Him thus: "My Lord! Like you raised Moses as savior for the Israelites to redeem them from the bondage of Egypt and lead them on to Canaan, please show me that savior and shepherd whom you have chosen to perfect Your children scattered throughout this earth and prepare them for Your coming". God will show that priest ordained after the order of Melchizedek and lead you also into the blessing within the order of Melchizedek. ["Who is this Melchizedek?" from the New Jerusalem Church website]

It is difficult to add anything after reading this material! Here we see MAN usurping the eternal ministry of our immortal, eternal, High Priest, and taking his role as SAVIOUR of the world! What further proof do we need of their blasphemy? THESE are the new revelations and foundational doctrines of the New Jerusalem!

    " For what was the promise to Abraham and his seed but that he should inherit the earth?... and shall you not reign as Kings and Priests? And was it not King and Priest Melchizedek that Abraham paid tithe to, that in that seed of tithe sown and its increase YOU should inherit the Priesthood and Kingship of Melchizedek? For if you are IN CHRIST then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise, thus you shall exercise Kingdom authority in the Priesthood of Melchizedek as the kingdoms of the world become the Kingdom of the Lord and His Christ. I am raising up a royal Priesthood after the order of Melchizedek... ones bearing Kingdom authority, overcomers that will inherit the promise to Abraham and rule the nations. Yes, judgment is being given to My chosen and these SHALL possess the Kingdom, for My Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and ALL dominions shall serve and obey". [KINGDOM AUTHORITY Aug 1999 Doug Fortune Trumpet Call Apostolic/Prophetic Bulletin]


Barbara Marx Hubbard, a key New-Ager teaches almost identical doctrines about a lastdays Army, who are to be spiritually transformed by an enduement of power. Consider her words, as taught by demons, and you will see the close connections between them and the sonship doctrines. Truly, these heresies are the "doctrine of demons"!

    • "This vision of the future is a fulfillment of the intimations of the past.
      • We are One Body, All people - We coordinate as a planetary body, attuning to each other and to the Designing Intelligence.
      • We Are in Contact With Other Life - The intimation of higher beings is affirmed. We have always been in contact intuitively.
      • The esoteric or hidden is becoming exoteric and clear - Once we saw through a glass darkly. Now we see face to face.
      • We Are Immortal - We are not bound by the limits of this body.
      • We Are Universal - We are not bound by the limits of this planet.
      • We are Other Life - We are Higher Beings.
      • Our innate sense of growth potential, our intimation of a higher state of being is true.
      • We are Conscious Co-Creators - Partners With God."

    [The Future - Previews of Coming Attractions, by Barbara Marx Hubbard. Vol. 1 No. 6, First Foundation News, August, 1995]

Another startling comparison we could make is with the words of Lucifer, "son of the morning", once an archangel created in perfection, but through self-exalting pride now a fallen being doomed to an eternity outside of God's love.

In Isaiah 14:12-15 we see the mission statement of this being, and I wonder if you will be struck, as I was, with the fact that each one of these proclamations is echoed almost perfectly within the revival and manifested-sons communities. Take a look:

    (12) How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

    (13) For thou hast said in thine heart,

    A - I will ascend into heaven
    B - I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
    C - I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north;
    (14)D - I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
    E - I will be like the most High.

    (15) Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

A - POWER-HUNGRY: Lucifer was not content to stay within the bounds of his calling and position under God. (We have to assume from this verse that God had given him a work to fulfil on the earth at this time) No, he wanted to "ascend into heaven" where the action was! He wanted to have a pre-eminent place among the angels with influence over the affairs of God's realm and kingdom. He wanted to have influence not only in a limited sphere, on his patch of the planet, but over ALL the kingdoms of the world. He wanted to "take the nations" and "possess the land" and "rule with a rod of iron" as divine overlord.(Compare Matt 4:8-10)

Today's church is likewise not content to fulfil its mission on the earth as servants of Christ, under the command of God. They are not happy simply to "occupy" until he comes (Luke 19:13) - that word means keeping busy with your allotted task, waiting patiently for the Master to return. The Church of today sees itself as a failure if it does not "take the nations" and rule them. It wants to sit as officials in the Lord's government at the right hand of God, like the sons of Zebedee (Matt 20:20-23).

B - SPIRITUAL WARFARE: "I will exalt my throne above the stars of God." "Stars" means the heavenly principalities and powers . God had set in place the "sons of God" or the angels as rulers over the nations, and their reign in the heavenlies is expressed in earth's language and imagery as the stars in the visible heaven above us. However, Lucifer could not accept God's plan and wisdom, and had an ambition to rise above the principalities and powers, setting his throne in the heavens as absolute Lord! (Clearly he achieved part of this plan since the heavenly rulers were corrupted through his influence and became evil as a result.)

Now we see in the revival an ambitious plan for doing "spiritual warfare" against the principalities and powers in the heavenlies, casting them out and replacing them with the "overcomers" of the latter-day church. They tell us that the Manchild will be "caught up to the Throne" of rulership in the heavenlies. The Church is now trying to complete the plan that Lucifer hatched so long ago!

C - SELF-PROMOTION: "I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation" This was a bid to be seated as a dignitary in the place of solemn meeting, the Council Chamber of God, at the heavenly Mount Zion, the Mount of God's presence. In earthly terms, this was the Temple at Jerusalem, where God met with his people. We can see from 2 Thes 2:4 ("Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God") that this ambition is also attributed to Antichrist.

The mount of the congregation was "The mount of the divine Presence." This was the place in the Old Testament where the Shekinah Glory came down upon the Mount, and where God met with Moses in the cloud. Mount Zion, (or Moriah, which is reckoned a part of Mount Zion,) was later the place of the Tabernacle where the Glory Cloud (God) met with Moses and the congregation. "In the sides of the north" was the sides of Mount Moriah, on which the temple was built; north of Mount Zion.

And now of course we have the revival followers demanding to enter the "Holy of Holies" and to become the "Ark of his Presence" and to enter into the Glory Cloud, where they claim to meet with God face to face and receive revelations, instructions and prophecies from Him. They wish to be seated as officials of his Government and to becomes the "anointed Apostles and Prophets", the judges and counsellors of God's people! (Please read Jude 1:11 along with Num 16:1-50)

D - ARROGANCE: "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds" In Hebrew, the word 'cloud' is singular. One cloud. Perhaps there is a reference here again to the Glory Cloud, the symbol of the divine presence. So this also tallies with 2 Thes 2:4, "above all that is called God:" as here, "above ... the cloud:"

E - BLASPHEMY: "I will be like the Most High" Finally the pride and self-exalting arrogance of Lucifer leads to the inevitable ambition, to be "as God". This is also the temptation that he offered to Adam and Eve, in order to bring them down to his own fallen state. It is a temptation that appeals to many today, who excuse their desire in many clever ways, but in the end have to admit that they want to share the power, authority, understanding and self-willed independence of God Almighty.

Now men and women boldly state: "we ARE Christ" - we are the ongoing incarnation of God! We will attain to the fulness of the godhead, we will have the divine nature".

Underlying all of this is the REFUSAL TO SUBMIT THEMSELVES TO GOD in obedience and service. Those who seek to raise themselves up to heavenly places, on their thrones of government, having all the powers and knowledge of God, are in truth not content to be restricted by the Will of God, but think their own will could do just as well. They want to HAVE THEIR OWN WAY! They don't want to be reined in, but to decide and to act for themselves.

That is what's behind Lucifer's fall, and behind every evil act, and behind the present-day apostasy. The satanist creed is this: "Do what you will, is the whole of the Law". Do what YOU will....

That is why the indictment against apostate Christians in the last days is this "you did not do my WILL."

"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. (Matt 7:21-23)

For the next part of this series go to Part Seven HERE

The next part in this series will tie up a lot of loose ends. It will cover:

    • The role of music and "praise and worship" sessions in birthing the Glorified New Man. A new sound has been discovered that, they say, has unique powers.
    • C. Peter Wagner's "Reformation" of the Church and his plans for a one-world Superchurch - networking with the Apostles and prophets of the new Church!
    • The "Lighthouses" scheme that is linking churches and believers worldwide.
    • The UN plans for a One-World Religion
    • Historical Forerunners of the latter-rain/sonship doctrines
    • The True versus the False doctrines
    • Links in the Chain - if possible I hope to name names and show how they network with eachother. (This project may be too time-consuming and daunting, and therefore I cannot promise to include it.)
    • Hints for your own research - websites and other resources listed so you can follow up on the information in the articles.

    NOTE:"The Net - a Vision for Churches" revised & released, June 1999 is from It is written by Phil Townend [Copyright Phil & Lynne Townend, West Yorkshire, UK]

    Copyright Notice Copyright © 1999 Notice: While Phil has no interest at all in maintaining 'ownership', he would like to maintain the integrity of the whole piece. If you use extracts, would you refer clearly back to the whole article at this web address. including this copyright notice.

    Note from Phil From: "Phil Townend" Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999
    I am releasing this piece today and offer it to you for your interest and response. ABOUT MYSELF: I lead a small fellowship (connected with Ichthus C.F. in London and the national Building Together network), but am more strategically involved with: networking leaders locally & regionally; facilitating Brazillian and Ugandan groups coming to the UK as spiritual children returning to help their parents; and promoting prayer - especially bringing intercessors here from Africa to stand with us.


    (c) Tricia Tillin 2001

    It is not my intention to hinder anyone who has a LEGITIMATE use for this material. Indeed, this material is so important that I want it to reach everyone who needs it.

    However, this article is my intellectual property and copyrighted material and therefore you are NOT to assume that you may freely use it on your web site or reprint it in your magazine, or whatever, in disregard of my provisos written here. Therefore, please abide by these conditions:

    • You are permitted to download a copy or two of this material for your own research use or to show to interested friends.
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    • This article and those that follow it are produced for the specific purpose of informing and supporting genuine believers in their fight against the current apostasy. This information is therefore not aimed at those already committed to the Revival, whether leaders or ordinary members of the churches involved.


    © 1995-2013 Tricia Tillin of Banner Ministries. All rights reserved. Cross+Word Website:  This document is the property of its author and is not to be displayed on other websites, redistributed, sold, reprinted, or reproduced in printed in any other format without permission. Websites may link to this article, if they provide proper title and author information. One copy may be downloaded, stored and/or printed for personal research. All spelling and phraseology is UK English.