
"Anointing Or Apostasy" - the Latter Rain Legacy - by Charles S. Graves

This well-researched book on revival, latter-rain and other linked deceptions, is offered in PDF format (readable by Adobe Acrobat Reader which is present on most hard drives already). It covers much of the same ground as other articles on the Banner site, but presents it in a coherent and readable whole. Very useful reference material!

History of the Charismatic Renewal in Britain, its Influences and Developments - by Rev Dr David Hilborn

A PDF document written from a sympathetic viewpoint, but useful for background research. The introduction says: Any serious account of 'charismatic' Christianity in Britain needs to look back a good deal further than the modern `Charismatic Renewal Movement'. Towards the end of this paper, we shall see that this movement began in the UK in early 1960s. We shall also see that it was in turn consciously indebted to Pentecostalism, whose influence had been felt significantly on British soil from 1907.

A History of the Awakening - by Richard Riss

A sympathetic article but it covers many of the events, influences and key figures of the current revival.

Catholic Charismatics: History of the Charismatic Movement  - by Brian Hughes

A 95-page plain text PDF files gleaned from a Roman Catholic website. This is also interesting for research as it traces the revival from a Catholic viewpoint and confirms the links between Protestant and Roman churches.

"War on the Saints" - by Jessie Penn Lewis

Classic book written at the time of an earlier revival in Wales, showing how false prophecies, demonic manifestations and abuses arose and were dealt with. (The Unabridged Version)

"BREAD AND GAMES" - by Tricia Tillin (Three Parts, as below)

This three-part series contains a potted history of the British charismatic movement illustrating the rise of Restorationalism and the impact this has had on believers and the Church in Britain. The title is taken from Juvenal's famous comment on the corrupt Roman Empire, which kept its people docile with "bread and circuses". Now that the Church is going into decline, we see the same syndrome - as long as Christians are happy and entertained they fail to question falling standards.

  • PART ONE: "Overturning The Essentials"
  • PART TWO: "Birth and Death of the Renewal Movement"
  • PART THREE: "The L.R. Roots of the Restoration Movement"

"THE NEW THING" - by Tricia Tillin (Three Major Parts, as below)

Part One - The Gnostic Key.

Maybe you wondered where all the talk of global revival comes from and why it's deemed so important these days? This article is designed to help you see that "revival" is the so-called "new thing" that sparked many if not all of the Latter-Rain style doctrines from way back. Maybe you have also been thinking there must be some root of heresy behind the Toronto Blessing? You are right. Studies of such works as Rick Joyner's "Final Quest" show clearly its Gnostic origins. But there's more - much more. You will be fascinated by all that you learn in this new series of articles by Tricia Tillin of Banner Ministries. Parts Two and Three will follow in due course - watch out for them!

Part Two - The Latter Rain Roots of the Current Renewal

This second article in the "New Thing" series lays bare the foundations of false revivalism, both historically and today. It shows, with many quotes from the leaders, how "restoration" doctrines are nearly identical to the old Latter Rain heresies.

Part Three - "The Ezekiel Chapter 47 Model; and Onwards to Glory"

In this final part of the study on the Gnostic elements to Pentecostal Revivalism, Tricia Tillin looks to the future. Taking Ezekiel 47 as a prophetic agenda, as the leaders do, she shows how biblical teaching is twisted into a glorious transformation for man, and the descent of the Spirit of Christ into a New Universal Man is suggested as the culmination of Church history. She also demonstrates that genuine believers will be labelled the "antichrist" in the very near future!

  • "The New Thing": APPENDICES - relating to the above documents

    "LAST DAYS LEAVEN" - by Don Clasen. (Four Parts, as below.)

    • Part I: The Destroyed Foundations
    • Part 2: The History & Doctrines of the Latter Rain Movement
    • Part 3: Doctrines of the "New Order", continued
    • Part 4: Spiritual Errors of the LR Movement today: Toronto and WoF.

    Understanding the New Gnosticism - by Don Clasen

    Gnosis is knowledge, but Gnosticism is a system of gaining knowledge and progressing to higher spiritual levels by mystical means. This kind of revelation knowledge is popular in churches today, but what are the dangers?

    The Ministry of the Apostles in the Early Centuries   - by Don Clasen

    There is a move to appoint apostles and prophets to governmental positions within the Church. This article examines the true role of apostles and asks if there are any genuine apostles in this day and age.

    "The Covert Strategies of the Revival Movement" - by Tricia Tillin

    Are mind-control techniques being used to indoctrinate believers and promote the revival? This three-part study explores the evidence.

    "Early Years" - by G. H. Lang

    This book, a history of the "Modern Tongues Movement" as Lang calls it, was written in the early years of this century when events at Azuza Street were still fresh in people's minds. It contains not only some intriguing eye-witness accounts of the birth of the Pentecostal Movement, but also some thoughtful insights on its effects - and this has a direct (and I mean direct) bearing on present-day events.

    The Kansas City Prophets and their Legacy. (Summary Page)

    This series of articles is about the so-called Kansas City Prophets and their Manifested Sons of God/Latter Rain teaching which is one of the catalysts of the current "revival".