

"In His Name" by Tricia Tillin

A short analysis of the scriptures surrounding the appearance of false christs and false prophets, showing that they are present in the churches today, exalting themselves to positions of power and deceiving many who follow them. Be warned by this article!

How NOT to Interpret the Bible - by Tricia Tillin

There are methods of biblical interpretation that safeguard us from false teaching. This article looks at some of them, and includes a startling piece of false teaching illustrating the worst kind of allegorical interpretation.

"MATTHEW 18: A Viable Contention Where Principles of the Gospel are Concerned?"
By Debra Bouey

When Biblical apologists comment publicly on aberrant teachings, especially the Toronto Experience, their supporters quickly and repeatedly raise the "Matthew 18 Argument", contending that the "brother" should have been approached privately. Is Matthew 18 a valid contention in these instances? Debbie Bouey examines God's Word to see.